Where to Buy a Red Eyed Tree Frog?

If you are searching for a red eyed tree frog to bring home as a pet, there are several options available to you as to where to buy a red eyed tree frog. These amazing frogs are available online, in pet stores and from breeders at amphibian shows. Choosing the right place to purchase your red eyed tree frog depends on personal choice and seller reputation.

Buying Online

Buying online is one option for where to buy a red eyed tree frog. There are many online sources for amphibians. Do your research before purchasing a red eyed tree frog. These frogs are very delicate and require proper care throughout the purchasing process.

Make sure the online seller is reputable. Review their policies, shipping procedures and even ask for references. Contact those buyers who have purchased a red eyed tree frog from the company. Ensure that the frogs they received were healthy. Ask to see pictures of the frog you will be receiving.

Check to see if the online seller has a guarantee, providing a replacement if the red eyed tree frog you receive is ill or should perish in transit. Verify cost and check to see if they provide any initial food supply or tank setup components. You should research several online sellers before selecting one for your red eyed tree frog purchase.

Pet Stores

Where to Buy a Red Eyed FrogIf you’re not sure where to buy a red eyed tree frog, check with local pet stores. Often they will be able to special order or recommend a local seller. The advantage to buying a red eyed tree frog from a local pet store is that it is convenient and you can see the frog before purchasing.

The pet store will also carry the food and other supplies you will require for your red eyed tree frog. If they do not have something available, they can most likely order it for you. You can observe the frog of your choice for a few days and nights and ensure that it is healthy.

Breeders/Amphibian Shows

Amphibian and reptile shows are great places to buy a red eyed tree frog. The shows often feature breeders who have a diverse knowledge of the species and take good care of them. You will be able to observe the red eyed tree frogs at the show.

If you have any questions about their care, the breeders at the show will be able to provide you with answers. Amphibian shows will also feature suppliers of food, vitamin supplements and tank supplies. You may be able to purchase an entire habitat setup for your new red eyed tree frog right there in one place.

If you’re wondering where to buy a red eyed tree frog, try the above sources. Most of the time, it will come down to personal preference. Wherever you decide to purchase your red eyed tree frog, do your research and make sure you are buying a healthy specimen.